Sunday, January 25, 2015

Making a Set

So I often get questions about my sets, and how I make them. So until I actually make a Behind the Scenes video, this will suffice for now.

In making the Windmill set, I first lay down some foam pieces to act as the hill, and then lay my grass mat on top of everything. I then place down the actual windmill, and finally lay and pin down the track.

After this is done, I quickly lay down some ballast all over the tracks, and then smooth it out with my fingers, and make sure things can roll on the tracks.
I think now would also be a good time to mention I don't use model railroad ballast. I actually use Kitty Litter. I can buy lots of it for cheap, and it has the same effect. When buying it though, you must be careful not to buy any with colored bits in it.

Now the fun part; adding bushes and trees. I just stick the trees on the sides of the set, and add lots of bushes here and there, using the smaller foliage to go closer to the tracks. Finally, put down a fence, and it's done!

More to come soon!

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